
Thursday, November 10, 2011

when I left...part 2

Okay, first I want to apologize for the fact that I have not been posting lately, but school has been hectic and plus I always find myself watching something on hulu. So, please forgive me.  ^_^

Anyway, last time, I was talking about my new room mate, Francesca. Super nice and a little shy. We didn't really talk that much. I remember, almost everytime it was lunch or dinner time she would be unable to finish her food. The nurse would do her best to encourage her, but that wouldn't do much good. Francesca, as I recall had a sister, who was also at the hospital. I think it was because she (Francesca's sis) was super depressed, but that's all I am going to say because I'm pretty sure that if she were right next to me right at this very minute she would want to keep that kinda of stuff privet and I respect that.

My friends from the youth group would constantly visit me :) One time, a friend of mine named Muppet (not his real name) came over to the hospital and bought like 6 other people with him! No lie, but my room was packed. Loved it! My friends and me decided to hang out in the cafeteria. Note: I really don't know if this is true or not cause I can't really remember all the details. However, on with the story! I still had to sit on the wheelchair and Muppet was pushing me. Well, every so often he would look around see if there were any doctors around and if the cost was clear he would lift up the wheel chair and race down the hall!! And we didn't get into trouble.
 I wasn't the only one who had friends. One night, a few relatives of Francesca came over. And it just so happen my siblings came over too. We all started chilling and I think we played some sort of card game.
(Side note: Ale while she was still with me would play solitare a lot, I don't like solitare, but that's just me.)
Moreover, there was this one time were Francesca got this big card with picture and a bunch of her friends had written on it saying how much they missed her and how they want to get better and all that jazz.
Francesca had a lot of friends. I don't know if she really knew it or not.

I received a phone call in my room (yea, I had a telephone right next to my bed) it was my twin sister. It was Sunday as I recall. Let me give you some background information:  My church was planning this big retreat in some far off distant place away from the city. A two hour drive from the church, not that bad. Anyway, she really really wanted to go, but she didn't wanted to go alone, so she signed me in along with her. Now, you got to remember I was still in the hospital. Moreover, even after I leave the hospital the doctors aren't just going to let me go off for a two days by myself. Mainly because I might just drastically cut back on food all over againg. Let me put some dialouge.
Riiing riing
"Hello?" I answeared.
"Hey, your sis here. You know how the church is having this 48 hr retreat, right?" she said so happily.
"Well, I really want to go, but I don't want to go alone so I signed both of us in!"
"Yea, it will be great!"
"what if I can't go?"
"And why not?"
"I don't know. The doctors may think I'm not ready yet or something like that."
"Don't be so negeative! we are signed in and you are going!!"
"Okay..." I replied slowly.
"Yea!" she said with much glee.
We talked some more, but I forgot what about. You should also know I don't rememer the conversation word from word, but I remember the main topic.
I'll tell you the rest in the next blog, which hopefully won't take me sooo long to post.

 I <3 God!

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