
Saturday, October 15, 2011

My life now

     This blog is going to be, I think fairly short. I couldn't help, but notice that all my blogs are about the past. However, in this blog I am going to talk about how my life is like now. And my future goals in life. Stuff like that. So, I am going to put this blog under a label.

     I'm going to college. Doing duel enrollment. That's when you mix high-school with college at the same time. I have two classes. English and ASL 2. They both have been a challenge. I find myself doing a lot of homework. (But that's just my opinion.) I'm working on a MLA paper for English, it's so confusing! Sign Language has been good so far. I had a midterm not too long ago and I didn't really study for it. My bad I guess. Before I go to my English class I go to the gym (the highlight of my day)!
     I'm currently training for a 5k. This will be my fourth 5k. And no a 5k is not 5 miles it's 3.1 miles. I was able to convince of friend of mine to do it with me. I hope to beat my record. 29 minutes and 52 seconds. I jog/walk for an hour on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Monday and Wednesday I go to the gym :D luv it! You might be wondering "ooh I wonder what does she eat?" "Does she eat six meals a day?" "Are you still uncomfortable around certain food?"

Answer to question 1: I basically eat what I want. I love bran flakes I have that for breakfast almost everyday. I eat fish a lot. Tuna from a can. Tilapia, I wish I could have more Mahi mahi, but tilapia is my favorite. I deeply enjoy Greek yogurt. It's texture and taste is way better than regular yogurt :) I love frozen yogurt!! And ice cream too. A lot of vegetables. Spinach, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli Love them!

Answer to question 2: I don't eat six meals. I eat three. Breakfast is light. I have a heavy lunch. Dinner is medium size I guess. I can't tell. I choose my portions. I make all the decisions now in my food. It used to be the doctors, but now it's on me. Which I think is good practice when I become a nutritionist ^_^

Answer to question 3: Yes, I am. But I'm working my way around it. I used to be scared of jelly, but not anymore. I hate peanut butter. It's too sticky and dry. Plain out ew! I'm right now scared of bagels. (My twin sister loves bagels) I know, why would someone be scared of food? Trust me there are more people out there than you think. My family doesn't buy bagels because it's too pricey. Always after a 5k race there is some food. Bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, cookies and bagels. I sometimes have a bagel after a 5k race. Plus when I do eat a bagel it doesn't really taste that great.

In my personal opinion I think bagels shouldn't be eaten everyday.
Just look at this website:
Enjoy, see you later
I <3 God!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

When I left....part 1

So, Lately I have been talking about how my stay at the hospital and what was it like, how did I feel and all the jazz, but now I want to describe to you my last days.

Those two weeks felt like forever, but at the same time it went by so very fast (I don't if that makes any sense or not). I don't know what day it was. It could have been a Monday or a Friday, heck even a Sunday, but one day all of a sudden I heard that Ale was leaving the hospital. I was thinking to myself, "Who can I talk to now?" I was thinking this because Ale and me began to finally have conversations here and there (she was so sweet). I remember she gave me this Flarp noisy putty thing. I loved it! I played with that putty for hours on end ^_^ However, back to what I was talking about. Ale was leaving! On her last day we were sitting together I think we just finished lunch and I was looking at her, thinking to myself how lucky she was to leave so quickly. I said to myself, "I may never see her again. I can't let this opportunity slip by." I felt a tugging feeling inside. It was like God was telling me to do something. Without giving much thought I just blurted out, "You want my e-mail address?"
Instantly she replied, "Yes!" I was glad when she said that. I quickly found some paper and pen and I wrote down my e-mail.

( Go ahead e-mail me if you want. Ask me questions. It can be questions about anorexia, nutrition, what's my life like now. Or you can just comment, whatever.)

Then she gave me her e-mail. I remember she said to me, "But don't e-mail me until you leave the hospital."
I don't know why she said that, but I'm like sure, okay. Then before I knew it, it was already dinner time. Ale was going to leave right after dinner. Her mother and father were with us just counting the seconds I guess.
When Ale was leaving she looked so happy and I was so jealous. I'm not going to lie here. I wanted to leave so bad. My heart went out to Ale. All I want for her is to feel happy in her own skin. Then boom! She left the room and walked away. (ooh and by the way I did e-mail Ale when I left and she did e-mail me back. And yes we still e-mail each other to this day. And YES I love her deeply)! Francisca The next day came along and I got another room mater. She was ten and she had anorexia just like me. Her name was Francesca. I'm not so sure if I spelled it right.
She had blond curly hair as I recall I could be mistaken. She had bright blue eyes. Her eyes were sooo cute. She looked somewhat timid. I am too, when meeting new people.
When we were eating breakfast together in my mind I was comparing her amount of food to mine. She had such a small amount compare to my plate of food.

I wish I could continue onward, but I can't. Mainly because I have some homework that I need to do today. It should be against the law to do school on a Saturday. See ya later.

I <3 God!