
Saturday, June 14, 2014


     A few weeks ago, maybe two or three, my mom asked me a very interesting question. Now, I can't remember her exact words, but I do recall the main point of her question. She said that some people after dealing with a horrific ordeal or a challenging trail, they bounce back, being resilient. These people find new hope and have a kind of determination that cannot be shaken. My mom's question was how do they do that? Why do some people never seem to recover, while others do? The reason why she asked me that question, was because I had a mishap, a big mishap with anorexia and I bounced back. My mom told me that day that she sees in me a kind of determination that cannot be shaken. My mom was asking how did I do it, how am I still doing it?
     Well, I thought about it, I stuttered at first, but then I gave it more thought, maybe 30 seconds go by. This is what I basically told my mom, "We can either let those trails and tribulations hold us down and limit us, you know capture us, or we can let them captivate us."
My mom was surprised and later on told me that "nailed it". When I told my sisters about what I told my mother, they too were pretty surprised. My twin sister comes up to me and tells me "from now on, when you give your testimony, you have got to say that". Alright I will. In fact, let me repeat myself. We can either let those trails and tribulations hold us down and limit us, you know capture us, or we can let them captivate us.
     Dealing with anorexia nervosa was hard and I cried many nights. It was very nerve wrecking and I felt excessively worthless and useless, but during my stay at the hospital something clicked in my mind. I thought to myself God can turn this around. This can become my story, my testimony. God can use anorexia in my life to glorify is name, it can be put on display, showcasing his perfect will for me. Now, it was not at all easy. I allowed anorexia to capture at first, I felt trapped by the voices and by the accusations that placed upon myself, all because I let the lie become true. The lie was dragging me down, but a few after leaving the hospital, I was very much interested in eating disorders, and I wanted to know about it more. In a course of maybe six or seven months after leaving the hospital, I thought Anorexia can become a stepping stone for me, I can help other boys and girls with this story!
Then as more months went by, I increasingly became captivated, totally captivated by the possibility of anorexia nervosa, it is such a mystery. Eating disorders are so intricate. I am glad I went through that ordeal, it gave me new found hope, all because I was willing to believe that God could use this to benefit me and that's how one can go from captured to captivated. I am captivated, through GOD.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

He thought of everything

I want to be a dietitian, that's my chosen career. In order to do that, I have to take biology along with chemistry classes, a lot of chemistry. In fact, just a lot of both. I am right now taking biology classes over the summer and I am really shocked about what I am learning. Not learning in an academic sense, more like learning about the creator of the universe. In biology class, we just gone over the organelles of a typical cell and there are so many intricate details. All of the organelles floating in the cytosol in the cytoplasm are constantly working in harmony making protein, lipids, creating ATP, giving humans the daily energy to stay alive. Moreover that is only one cell, the human body is made of thousands of cells! He thought of everything. How the plasma membrane would be hydrophobic on the inside, but it would be hydrophilic on the outside,
 There are 92 naturally occurring elements in the world and only four of those elements are in the right percentage level to support 96% of all living matter. Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen. God knew exactly how much of each would be needed to sustain life on earth, he made earth, of course he would know! The smallest unit of matter is the atom, that is made up of even smaller pieces we call subatomic particles. Electrons, protons and neutrons. These subatomic particles when arrange in a certain order can become a specific element. Suppose, 30 protons, 30 electrons and 35 neutrons, that would make Zinc. However a totally different combination would make an entirely different element. Sodium, Cobalt, Tin, Calcium, Argon, Fluorine, Silver, Gold, Bromine, and that's just a few, really, only a few.
These elements when put together in certain chemical bonds can make other substances. Na, sodium with Cl, chlorine, put together, we have salt. Take another instance, one calcium with one oxygen and two chlorine put into a certain molecular structure ---> Ca(ClO)2 gives us Calcium hypochlorite, which is often used as bleaching agent.
I remember, my chemistry teacher would keep saying "We, humans made nothing. All that's on earth, we didn't make, all we have been doing is writing stuff down" very true. That's why we have so many, many text books. We just keep writing things down. First on stone tablets, and against stone walls in Egypt, then on scrolls, then on paper with feathered pens. Eventually, leading to now onto the screens of laptops!
It boggles my mind that people of such high intellect think that all of the wonders in the world were made by mere chance and luck. If everything was made out of pure randomness and of stuff crashing into other stuff, well then why does everything work so well here? The water cycle. The krebs cycle. The way that this blue dot on the face of the milky way, is so conveniently captured by one ray of the sun, providing warmth and light, it's crazy. He thought of everything! Nothing is unknown to Him, but almost everything is unknown to us.
Humans have come a long way, a mere two decades ago, the internet was just starting out. Google was not at all a part of anyone's life. The first phone was made in 1876 and now in the year 2014 phones can fit inside our ears. Humans have discovered and made so much, all (I repeat all) a feeble attempt to understand our surroundings. We have only tapped the mere surface of what keeps this planet we call earth together!
The first settlers of America credited all creation to the creator, and established this country knowing that God was the one who got them there!
What of the mind? The power to formulate a logical thought, happens in mere seconds, everyday, to everyone. Millions of people around the world are right now, receiving stimulation of which enters the brain and then is translated into meaningful information! The hippocampus, stores our memories, those snapshots of us with friends and family members. It connects emotions with our senses. Psychology is so vast, and is just starting out. And those "imperfections" of certain mental disorders, ADD and ADHD, all the functions of the body we have yet to understand, are all screaming to the perfect designer of all time. The waterfalls, the starts, the black holes, the amygdala, all of them, are screaming giving credit to God. There are many people, who want to know their purpose, who want to know how the earth came to be, and how long will it last.
Evolution gives one explanation, an explanation that is widely supported and yet flawed. Evolution does not explain why humans crave personal gratification, why humans appreciate beauty, why we dream at night. Evolution is does not explain the increasing imagination that humans have. It does not explain why humans need a sense of value and of worth. But if the world was made by God, a loving supernatural being, who is capable of emotions, and is beauty, well that explains all. And yet nothing at all. Because too few people actually know the truth and even less of them care to share, I am a victim of such.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


when we are young, love is so easy to do, the meaning is all so simple. When we are children love is never really explained to us, it was just something that we kept on hearing, and we were told that it was something positive and that love is sensible. By the time we are pre-teens, love changes us. Into very emotional prone drama maniacs, but some teens live sheltered lives and are still unaware about how love can make someone go crazy. Then, we are in smack in the middle of the teen decade, and we think we might know what love is, that wonderful, trip to the moon kiss or that sensational moment when looking into each other's eyes, feeling each other's heart beat. It may seem all so magical. For the first two weeks, then the person (or you) might feel the same incredible ride with a totally different person. Thus, ending the previous relationship of which was defined perhaps two weeks ago as "made in Heaven". This very confusing, very stressful, yet completely routine cycle goes on for a couple of years, however; some teens are late bloomers. But then there are the few of us, who might experience "love" in the later half of the teen decade. By this time, we have a pretty good definition of love, true love, deeper than the Disney characters, this type of affection could be based on adult Hollywood franchised movies, with excessive physical contact, and plenty of CGI explosions in the background. Also, it would seem that before the teen decade even starts, we might already know some slang words or phases the indicate the activity of "true love". Satisfying Emotional X-itement. If that was not clear enough, thank the educational system for blessing all the minds of children with a strong foundation of knowledge. Moving right along, during the later of half of being a teenager, we could be more driven with our studies, hoping to get accepted in some over-top, too exclusive college/university. Sadly, being a book worm, takes away precious time to find "love". It could be said that teenagers nowadays, don't want to find that one person to love for the rest of their lives, in holy matrimony. Nah, more like find anyone, who has the looks, in order to dump on that person, all of our physical drives. Time well spent? To some people, of course. For others (lacking the looks or smooth moves), it ends up being a wild goose chase, with strangely no goose. Odd to say the least. We are now in college, ready for possibly the most life altering four years of our lives. We cram and cram all so often, and some how some way, we still find the time to seek after "love". Because surely by now, we have mastered time management and how to effectively be in a committed relationship, with slight loop holes included that are for some reason kept a secret from both parties. Odd to say the least. We might get married now in between degrees or after some insane mid-term that could very well have been hell on earth. We do it out of desperation? Nah, more like because we think we know when real "love" hits us. It has something to do with the air, right? However, the majority of us, are finally too caught up in our studies and have decided to get the degree first, then settle down. When really, we could just not be interested in love anymore, because well, we still don't get it and we kinda find love now pretty much a drag. I'll fill you in what happens after college, when I am done, which may take years and years. Normal to say the least.

Friday, December 20, 2013

sitting by myself

I'm sitting by myself in a room full of people. I am a long way off thinking about the future. It's getting harder to sleep at night, there are so many questions flooding my mind. None of which can be answered until it is too late, and all is said and done, written in stone. Questions, so many questions about the future that I can't seem to shake. What will become of me in the years to come? Will I have the same convictions or will the hand of society mold me? I do not know, nor will I ever have the chance. As I awake tomorrow, surely I will wander in my mind again about the same things. I will hear the same echo response, it is my own voice. I don't want all of my concerns to be addressed well, at least not now, but for certain I must know the answers to the following. Where will I be? Who will I love? Who will love me, six years from now? How they haunt me so, keeping me tossing in my bed. Where will I be? Who will I love? Who will love me, six years from now? Six years from now! How they bombard me, everyday, how they follow me just to taunt. Especially when I think about you. You are far away and always leaving too soon for me to understand. I can't help but wonder again, where will I be? Who will I love? Who will love me? Who will love me? I can hope and pray all I want to the ears above the sky, I am begging Him to show me! I ask everyday. I can wish all I want, that I will be with you and you will be the one I will love and you will be the one who will love me! Oh, please be the one who will love me, please be the one who will stand by my side, just as I do now for you, just as I want to always. Always! Where will I be? Who will I love? Who will love me, six years from now? I want to be with you, I love you, I am so desperately wanting for you to feel the same way. I love you! I want you to know, you make me feel valued, and special and worthy. You are the only one. Oh, please be the one who will love me, please be the one who will stand by my side, just as I do now for you. Six years from now.....please.  

Saturday, November 30, 2013


There is a lot of mystery in concern with dreams. Why do we dream what we dream? Are dreams in any way relative to what goes in our lives or are dreams just crazy, random images? There have been hundreds, dare I say, thousands of experiments done with the one purpose to explore the dream state of people, but the truth is technology can only take us so far. The only way, scientists can know what people are dreaming about is to wake them up when they are in REM sleep. If you do not know what is REM sleep might I suggest checking out this video as it perhaps may have the answers. Warn you, I am not making any promises (Thank you NOVA)
Dreams, in basic terms, are crazy, wild visions all emanating deep within our conscious or brain, maybe both. Some dreams are dull, some are scary and should be called nightmares instead, while others are adventurous. What is the point of this post? Well, it seems to me, there is not enough people out there, who share their dreams. I have been told by lots of people that my dreams are insane and that I am a crazy person for having such a dream. (maybe I exaggerated that last part) oh well!
I want to share with whoever is reading this, my dreams. As many as I can remember. What am I about to share with you, is all coming from pure memory (a powerful tool) The first dream I will share with you, is a very recent dream. NOTE: I am not making anything up, all I will reveal I truly dreamt about. How can you trust me? Just trust the following sentence: I speak truthfully.  Let's get this train wreck rolling ^_^

I had a dream and Chloe Grace Moretz (The actress) was in it. I was inside a mini van, seating in the back seat with Chloe sitting beside me, and we were talking as if we were friends (which I wouldn't mind at all if that were true) Chloe turns to me and says how excited she is that she will finally be able to meet some of my friends and how long she has been looking forward to go to this video gaming event. Apparently, we were headed to this huge video game hangout place, where supposedly most of my friends were going to be there. For one reason or another, Chloe was holding a pen, I think it was a black point pen, anyway I leaned close to Chloe and tried to take the pen away from her, but she pulled back. Next thing you know, it became a tug-of-war, suddenly the cap of the pen snapped off. Chloe flips out, claiming that I broke her pen of which then I responded that I did no such thing. I then showed her how it was merely the cap that came off. Oh, by the by whenever I spoke to Chloe I said her full name, "Chloe Grace Moretz I didn't break your pen. Look Chloe Grace Moretz, it was only the cap that came off, see Chloe Grace Moretz." I have no idea why I kept repeating her full name, that can get annoying I am willing to bet.
Seconds after explaining to Chloe what happened to the pen, the driver of the van, turned out to be Chloe's mother. The mother, let go of her hands from the stirring wheel, turned her body around toward us and said something along the lines," oh Chloe isn't this exciting, you going to play video games, and meet Raquel's friends" Unbeknownst to Chloe's mother, the car started to drift off course and was headed for a ditch. While the mother was still talking, Chloe freaked out and yelled, "Look out!" Chloe, with great speed, reached her arms all the way to the stirring wheel and made a sharp turn, thus avoiding the ditch and saving our lives! The mom then says, "Chloe will you relax I know perfectly well what I am doing." Not 10 seconds go by that Chloe's mother again let her hands off the stirring wheel and started talking again about how excited she was. The car started to drift again off the lane, the car was about to hit another car. Chloe yelled, "Oh my God!" She reached over again and made another sharp turn thus saving our lives twice. The mother then answered, "Chloe we were perfectly fine, put on your seat belt, you don't even have a drivers license yet."
Chloe then responds rather annoyed, I don't blame her, "I should have a license, so this kind of crazy stuff won't happen!" Needless to say I agree with Chloe 100%. Suddenly and quite unexpectedly the scene changes, the next I knew, was I entering a dim lit room. In the center of the room was a giant flat screen T.V and there were rows lined up, not in front of the T.V but rather on the sides of the room. There must have been a total of 4 rows, two on one side and two on the other. Oh and there was bed on one side of the room, I think the left side of the room. When I entered the room, I realize I was in the video gaming event. I saw Chloe lying on the bed with two of my friends (of whom I don't see anymore) I think the friends were Gus and his younger brother, I don't know which younger brother. Anyway, They weren't talking to each other, they weren't even making eye contact. In fact, no body at all was excited that a movie actress was in the room. She's just Chloe, a 16 year old girl, no big deal. I then proceeded to lay myself on the bed with Chloe, for one reason or another, she was wearing a yellow beanie hat, that I snatched off her head, Chloe was quick to respond, by snatching my beanie hat off of my head. (I don't know why I was wearing a hat, I don't look good in hats) Seconds later, I started to doze off on the bed, but Chloe began to shake me and said, "Wake up Raquel, the video game is starting, wake up!" I wake up and grab the controller for the game and Chloe does the same. I saw that all the rows of seats were filled with other players.
The purpose of the game was that we were supposed to fly Han solo's space craft, infiltrate and destroy an enemy space ship, which was ten times bigger than our puny ship! Each row in the room, was in charge of a different part of Han solo's ship. One row was in charge of turning the ship in different directions, another for shooting, another for dodging attacks and so on. I was in the row in charge of shooting. The graphics of the games were amazing, no doubt, it looked very real. Anyways, as Chloe and I played the video game, we were doing a super job, within minutes we were able to infiltrate the space craft. Then suddenly, I was no longer inside the darkened room, rather I was inside the space ship. Everything looked so futuristic, a mixture of star wars and star trek. I was walking alone, and I entered the command center of the ship I think. And stood before me dressed in a star trek out fit was Tim Allen (comedian/actor) Tim was holding a glowing sphere in his hands. He looked at me, but then at the same time, he appeared to be talking into a camera rather than me. He then said, "Once I let go of this orb, once it hits the floor the entire ship will turn into rushing water, like a water fall!" Everyone in the ship started running for their lives, but I stood my ground. Tim drops the orb and he runs away really fast too. Mere moments later, the walls of ship turn into water, gushing water. I run for my life! But I am not running fast enough, for several times the water picks me and pushes me forward, like the waves out on the beach. The water splashes down, I continue running, even faster, but the water catches up and lifts me off the ground again, this happens at least 3 times maybe 4. I see the exit of the ship and somehow, I have no idea how, the ship landed safely on solid ground. I am running as fast as my legs can carry me, I leap forward and the water pushes me forward as well, now I am maybe 10 feet above the ground, and I land perfectly. With no injuries whatsoever. I didn't see Chloe anywhere,  I can only assume she didn't make it, or maybe she was way ahead of me. And that was the end of the dream.
There was this one part in the dream, that I was going to a concert with this supposedly famous pop star, she was coming with me as a friend and she was very worried she would get mobbed by fans. I tried to calm her down saying that nothing happened to Chloe, but the pop star then said, "Well, she is just a movie actress, I am a pop star, I am way more famous than her!" when we entered the concert, the band was still practicing and there was barely anyone there. And only one person approached the pop star and said to her, "I really like your music." The pop star then takes me aside and says, "I told you! Crazy fans are everywhere." I don't remember what happened next.

So, that is my first dream, that I have shared with whoever is reading this. I will surely continue to post more dreams. Maybe this will shed some light on how bizarre dreams can really be. ^_^  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

a tad bit about me part 2

I am a recovered anorexic. I think many people say that once you are anorexic, you stay anorexic, in the sense that one can always always relapse. If you were to look atmy figure in the year 2009 in the month of December, you would see perhaps three rib bones, and you see me not talking to people because I was busy climbing up the stairs. I was trying to lose weight. However, if you were to look at me now, you would see no ribs, no bones. Instead you would see a toned body.
I work out a lot nowadays. I run a lot. I'd like to think of myself as a runner. Just over the course of three days, I can run 12 miles. Five miles the 1st day three miles the 2nd and four miles on the 3rd. Today I plan to a little over three miles... maybe four miles. I work out everyday. I do more than just run, I lift weights also everyday (did I spell that right?) On Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays I work my abs, all the other days I work my upper body. I run five days a week. I don't run on weekends, unless I have a race.
I was taken to ER, instantly after fainting, in January (did I spell that right?) in the year 2010. I was out of the hospital within 2 weeks. I have not relapsed since then. It has now been a little over 3 years. This is a big deal. There are girls and guys, who relapse again and again in less than a year.
I am an odd anorexic case, I think. Most cases of anorexia happen in families with one child in a good finicial position. But I am in a family of 6 and we are not in any way rich. In the year 2009 my dad lost his job and it took him a long while before he could find another job. During the times he was home, I avoided him, because I didn't want him see me excersise, I didn't want any of family member to see me exercise, but they did. I couldn't get the privacy I wanted. However, I didn't want to stop working out just because they saw me, so I excersised in front of them. They had no idea why worked out 3 hours a day every day, I had no idea why either.
To this day, I am unsure why I became anorexic, but I am thankful that I am not anorexic anymore. There are some days, however, that I look at myself in the mirror and feel dissatisfied with my figure, and I wish was thinner than I am now. There have been days where I wish I was still anorexic weighing 100 lbs, but then I am quickly reminded of all the secrecy I had to go through, all the isolation I had put myselft through just to mantain 100 lbs.
Some people would say it's not worth it. But I though it was, I though it was mandatory even. But now I don't want to isolate myself. I love excersise I feel as though God himself has given me a strong passion for nutrition and working out.
Balance, balance is key. Too much weight is bad, too little weigh is bad. Balance balance is the way.
And that can be really hard sometimes.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A tad bit about me, and something else part 1?

This is going to be a farily short post (maybe) just me giving some details about my family, about me that you may or may not already know.

I have a pretty big family, well maybe bigger than the average family. (I heard somewhere from someone, that the aveage family has 2.5 children, which is kind of odd, in concern with the 0.5) In any case, I have three other siblings. I am the youngest, but at the very same I am also older. How is this so? I am twin. Yes, it's true. I was born first, then a few hours later came my twin sister. Most of the time twins are a mere minutes apart, but not in my case. I am older by 4 hours and 30 minutes. My mother is one tough cookie :) Let me give you the basic rundown. The oldest is my brother, the second is my sister, then comes me, then my twin sis (I love her very much)

The older sister (because my twin sis and I are the same age, that's given) wants to be a sign language interpreter, a good good career. My twin sister is following in her footsteps. As for my brother, it is a tad bit hard to place him. He changes from time to time, although, I could be mistaken.

I want to be a dietitian (did I spell that right?) When people ask me, "what's your major?"  and I tell them, "I am going to be a dietitian", I get some odd answers. Here, let me give you a list: "What's that?" or "Oh, you're one of those health nuts" or "Wait, don't you mean nutritionist?" or (my favorite, because sometimes, the person is eathing something that could be considered unhealthy) "So, I guess I shouldn't be eating the chocolate muffin.." That actually happened one time.

I have to stop righ here, right now. I am hungry and I have chemistry test today. (I will do well)
