
Saturday, April 7, 2012

More details of summer 2010

Okay! So last time I posted, I posted my research paper on Anorexia, which got an A-. A good grade if I say so myself. Also, a few posts ago, I talked about my summer of 2010. Let me see if I can remember a few more details...

Well, I remember in 4th of July my church planned this big celebration and stuff. End the meeting early go out and watch a firework show then, go out for ice cream. And before that happened, one of my mom's friends invited us over to their house for a big party with LOTS of food. (Okay, I'm not a fan of anything that has been deep-fried, I do not like sour candy, I hate lollipops, I despise popcorn, I'm not very much into french fries or chips, cheese cake I don't find it really at all enjoyable. I'm listing just the basics of what I don't like.) However, my one weakness is baked goods. Cake, muffins, cookies, fudge, pie, croissants and much more, now those things I like, and I get carried away. It's very important for everyone to find a sense of balance, to properly portion their meals. Very important!! 
But back to the story. So, needless to say, I got carried away, but a few hours went by and my stomach got over the queasy stage, I began to feel normal. So after the firework show I went out for ice cream and I didn't get some simple ice cream cone, no. I got something pretty big. (Ice cream, the one junk food that I will never stop liking. You can take way all the other junk foods, no problem, but DON"T take away ice cream!) My favorite brand of ice cream is Publix brand. Recently, however, I am finding that low fat frozen yogurt taste way better than ice cream. I think it has something to do with the texture.
Believe it or not, but the day after 4th of July, I had a weigh- in and I thought for sure that I would ace the thing, but instead I was underweight by one pound and of course, the doctors were concern. I just couldn't help but think, "I hate sooo much yesterday and I'm still underweight, wow." I don't know if a lot of people know this or not, but it takes 3200-3500 calories to gain 1 pound. I'm pretty sure it was 3200, but at the same time, it could be more. In any case, just look it up on Google. We live in a generation, where people have access to thousands and thousands of different pieces of information, right at their finger tips. Let me just say, that's pretty cool.
So, I was down by one pound (either one pound or two) I freaked out a little, but like at the same time I didn't worry much, because it was only one pound. So no big deal, right? Well, this time I was right. When I went back for my next weigh-in I was perfectly where I was supposed to be. It's all thanks to the fact that God has been helping through my eating disorder, ever since the beginning! ^_^

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